
Letter from London – Post Budget Review – March 2023

Letter from London – Post Budget Review – March 2023

Jeremy Hunt became only the second of the five politicians since mid-2019 to have held the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer and survive long enough in office to deliver a Budget. Calm reassurance remains at the heart of his style and substance. Not for him the...

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Recovering markets won’t bring joy to all players

Recovering markets won’t bring joy to all players

London is showing few signs of losing its crown as Europe’s leading financial centre. Globally, it’s still not far behind New York; in some respects it may even be ahead. Post-Brexit, the European Central Bank is understandably unhappy that the world’s second largest...

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Calm before the insolvency storm

Calm before the insolvency storm

Don’t be fooled by the relatively low headline figure for company insolvency figures in January. At 1,671 the number for England and Wales was 7% up on January 2022 and 11% higher than the pre-pandemic period in 2020. It doesn’t sound too terrible, given the economic...

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You can’t have your cake and eat it

You can’t have your cake and eat it

Consumers were paying almost 30% more for a loaf of bread at the end of 2022 than they had been at the beginning of the year. The price, however, doesn’t even begin to reflect the soaring costs faced by bakeries, a sector heading for a wave of insolvencies. As an...

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Season’s Greetings from Buchler Phillips

Season’s Greetings from Buchler Phillips

Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year from all of us at Buchler Phillips! There is no better time than the Festive Season to express our appreciation and gratitude for your business and friendship. Thank you for choosing to work with us. This year...

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Cash is King for struggling SMEs

Cash is King for struggling SMEs

December is, sadly, often marked by widespread redundancies as businesses steady themselves for the new year ahead. Managers hope to reduce costs, the most desperate cutting beyond fat and into bone to ensure the survival of their enterprises. This year’s final-month...

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Keep on truckin’

Keep on truckin’

Supply chain experts are presently very excited about the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve returns for businesses involved in the transporting, ordering, stocking and selling of goods. At the same time, the world road transport organisation, the...

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